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The benefits of napping

Written By UNDER MAINTENANCE on Saturday, January 14, 2012 | 12:23 AM

Napping gets a bad rap.
Many associate a small afternoon siesta with slacking. Some would even call it childish, or question if the napper is ill.
But Jennifer Eyre White, author of the humorous book "The Practical Napper," won't take these nap jabs lying down.

"People think it's important to look productive at all times, and napping just doesn't look (or feel) very productive, although it actually is," says White via email. "It's been shown to have all kinds of cognitive and medical benefits."

In a 24/7 world in which everything and everyone is wired, White sees the need for a nap more than ever.
"Modern life is so frantic and stressful that we really need the downtime," White says.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 85 percent of mammals are polyphasic sleepers, or those who sleep in short segments throughout the day.

Western civilization followed this segmented pattern prior to the Industrial Revolution, but then, with the advent of electric lighting, abandoned it for the monophasic sleep most people subscribe to today.
Many countries, most notably Spain, still center their schedule around a siesta. Most Chinese schools program a half-hour nap right after lunch.

And Google, The Huffington Post and The New York Times are just a few companies that have devoted office space to napping on the job.
"A lot of people still don't understand that napping at work can increase your productivity and creativity, maybe even make you smile at your co-workers more," White says.
A 2008 study by the University of New York found memory function can be improved by a 45-minute daytime nap. Other research has shown that naps can lower blood pressure.
And most of the benefits are incalculable, White says.
"It's like a restart to your day -- things just seem more manageable afterwards," White says. "Napping is popular partly because our bodies are just physically wired to nap," White explains.
Teenagers, meanwhile, are the most steeped in sleep. Research shows that teens are less likely to be depressed if they get sleep.

However, sleep isn't synonymous with happiness as a 2009 survey by the Pew Research Center shows that unhappy people are more likely to nap on a given day than happy people (43 percent, compared with 31 percent).
Not everyone is in the position to rest recumbently, however.
For new parents, who, on average lose between 400 and 750 hours of sleep in their first year, White suggests to follow their baby's lead and nap when he or she does.


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