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COVER: Erykah Badu / CLAM / Number 24

Written By UNDER MAINTENANCE on Saturday, January 14, 2012 | 8:08 PM

Singer CLAMs up on the subject of "renewal"

Culture pimp Erykah Badu, also known as Badu L'Oblangana, Soul Rebello, Manuella Maria Mexico, Analog Girl in a Digital World, Slow Down Loretta Brown, Annie the 'EL, Fat Belly Bella, Automatic Slam, and Mary Magnum, tips her hat on the importance of "Renewal" for CLAM magazine. Here's an excerpt of her Q&A:

Does the idea of Renewal inspire you... [sic]

It is an absolute necessary thing: As we have to evolve... When we realize that  we don't have any control over things on a grand scale, then we can start living for the moment; The now, instead of the past or the future.

What's the most urgent thing to renew...

Our thinking is the most paramount thing to renew, it affects how we see and think. And if we think broader, we will have a broader view of life. 

How in your work, life or thoughts that you think Renewal can happen?

I try to touch people's life as much as I can with my gift but the ultimate is the renewal of self; I am in the world and if I can change myself then I am helping to change the world.

Pick up a copy of CLAM's RENEWAL issue to see more photos and read the complete interview.


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