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Monsanto & Cancer Milk: FOX NEWS KILLS STORY & FIRES Reporters

Written By UNDER MAINTENANCE on Sunday, January 29, 2012 | 6:05 AM

FOX NEWS Reporters (Reporters Steve Wilson & Jane Akre) uncover that most of the Milk in the USA and across some parts of the world is unfit to drink due to Monsanto Corporation's POSILAC®, which has been proven to be a cancer-causing growth hormone.(known in short as "BGH" "BST" or "rBGH" ), but they were fired for attempting to inform people of the truth.

(Important note: After a long court battle, the Court dismissed the whistle blowers protection for the reporters because the Court stated that there was no law to force that the NEWS state the truth. NEWS was/is no different than other TV shows/reality shows.)

This is type of deceitful corruption is not just FOX news but includes almost all MSM (Main Stream Media).

Self researched, alternative news and information (from multiple sources) is one of the best methods to stay well informed.

Never trust or follow MSM/mega corporations such as Monsanto.

The corrupt FDA has once again turned it's back on the American public and has actually assisted in suppressing the dangers of this issue.

If you consumed or fed regular milk to your family today , there is more than a 90% chance that it was from a cow injected with BGH.

(Bovine somatotropin developed by using recombinant DNA technology).

You could be killing or harming your child every time you pour them a glass of milk, the same as pouring them a glass of slow acting poison.

Please take action to ensure our children's safety, for they can not protect themselves. Remember too, that pus (exudate, infection discharge) is almost always present cow's milk... think about this fact the next time you feed your child this supposedly healthy product.

For great healthy alternative to animal's milk, try Almond, Coconut or Hemp milk (organic).


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