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LOS ANGELES: Places of Validation, Art & Progression (Curated Exhibition)

Written By UNDER MAINTENANCE on Saturday, December 3, 2011 | 8:35 AM

Photo courtesy of Gene Ogami.
Places of Validation, Art & Progression
September 29, 2011 - April  1, 2012

600 State Drive - Exposition Park
Los Angeles, CA

Places of Validation, Art & Progression is an exhibit that contains artwork along with photographs from personal albums and institutional collections which document the places, events, and personal relationships of artists and their supporters between the years 1945 and 1980.  Hundreds of Black artists creatively prospered during this time period in Los Angeles, many of whom received acceptance and “self-validation” in places such as Golden State Mutual Life Insurance, Studio Watts Workshop, Watts Tower Art Center, Watts Summer Festival, Brockman Gallery, Gallery 32, Pearl C. Woods Gallery, St. Elmo's Village, The Museum of African American Art, and many others. Places of Validation, Art & Progression retraces the steps taken to build a solid foundation for Black artists to thrive upon in Los Angeles. This exhibit is free and open to the public.


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